One healthy tip at a time!

It is very important to include every food group (meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and grains) in our diet. Each food group provides essential nutrients that our body needs for growth and maintenance. Eliminating any specific food group, that many popular diets ask for, may lead to quick weight loss but does not lead to a positive lifestyleContinue reading “One healthy tip at a time!”

Should I take a multivitamin?

But what if, like most Americans, your diet falls short of the recommended intakes for some vitamins and minerals? Should you take a multi? It depends how far you fall short. If your diet is merely “suboptimal,” there’s no convincing evidence that you’ll benefit from a multi. If, however, you have severe deficiencies (because ofContinue reading “Should I take a multivitamin?”

10 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

These 10 simple tips will help you and your family live a healthy lifestyle. 1. Start with yourself – be a positive role model for the kids, siblings, and everyone at home. 2. Do not buy “junk food” – If it’s not at home, you are less likely to eat it. 3. Have healthy snacks readily available–Continue reading “10 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle”

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our brain.  Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommend 45-65% of the calories from carbohydrates.  If we deprive ourselves of this essential nutrient, we won’t have the proper energy for our daily routine. Lack of carbs in the diet can make us feel tired, weak and light-headed. When it comesContinue reading “Are Carbohydrates Bad?”

Does Mediterranean Diet work?

People of Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy have healthy hearts and low rate of cardiovascular disease which is because of the Mediterranean eating pattern. What is Mediterranean Diet? The focus is on intake of fresh homemade meals consisting of: whole grain breads and pasta, fish instead of red meat, grilled and steamed food insteadContinue reading “Does Mediterranean Diet work?”

My Plate vs. My Plate

I know it’s not easy nor is it fun to count calories – you just want to enjoy the meal! USDA came out with the My Plate few years ago and I believe it is a great guide to eating healthy. It gives a quick visual of how our plate should look to be on theContinue reading “My Plate vs. My Plate”